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Delicious things to make with frozen fruit

Delicious things to make with frozen fruit

. 2 min read

Having fresh fruits in your fridge is always a good idea, but frozen fruits give you the convenience of having ready-to-go fruit additions to your recipes whenever you need them. There are probably a million ways of using frozen fruits, but here just a few ideas to get you going.

Make smoothies!

Blitz up your frozen fruits with a little milk or non-dairy milk and start your morning off on the right foot!

Make jams!

Frozen fruits come in handy to make a quick jam for your breakfast table!

Make sorbets!

Sorbets are so much easier to make than you think: it’s just fruit, sugar and water!

Make ice pops!

Combine your frozen fruit with juice, dairy, or non-dairy milks to make healthy ice pops for the whole family to enjoy.

Make pies and cakes!

Frozen fruits can be used as a filling or topping in most pies and cakes recipes that call for fruit.

Make drinks and cocktails!

Crush frozen berries into a margarita. Soak them with wine to make sangria. Blend a handful of fruit and add soda water for a refreshing drink. The options are endless!